
It’s not new any more, but it’s sometimes hard to see beyond faster browsing and email. Connecting your offices together, working from home, voice calls over the Internet and remote support are examples of what you can use broadband for and we can help you with all of these things.

If you’re just looking for a broadband supplier, we can advise you on how to choose one to meet your specific needs.

We offer an installation service for home and business customers. We will set up your broadband router, connect your desktop and laptop PCs, install security software and configure your wireless to ensure that no-one can help themselves to your confidential data. We recommend that you use a router to connect to broadband and we can supply one (the ones offered by broadband companies aren’t always the best choice).

For businesses wanting to do more with broadband, call us. If you want to connect your offices together or work from home, look at our VPN page.

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